






■ Kashmiri protester shouts slogans against Indian rule during an anti-India protest on the outskirts of Srinagar August 18, 2010. Reuters


Many of Indian Kashmir’s streets lie deserted aside from stray dogs. Police, who have killed dozens of protesters defying India’s efforts to quell a separatist uprising, stand at street corners in the region’s summer capital of Srinagar.


"He only went out to get biscuits," said Maroofa Khan, telling how police shot dead her cousin, 17-year-old Mohammed Iqbal. A shop owner found Iqbal lying on the ground: a bullet pierced (1) the back of his head, forcing an eyeball out of its socket.


Iqbal’s shooting sparked street battles with police and his funeral drew tens of thousands, seething as the might of India’s state fell on two months of protests and strikes.


The iron-fisted response to one of the biggest rebellions (2) against Indian rule in two decades has sparked debate whether Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government has any idea about how to resolve disputed Kashmir.


The violence is small in contrast to when at least 47,000 people were killed in clashes involving Indian troops and Muslim militants in the two decades after the 1989 uprising broke out.


But a radicalised youth relying on mass protests rather than militant attacks to promote their cause may prove a huge political challenge for the Indian government.


Anger has always been widespread at hundreds of thousands of Indian troops in Kashmir, one of the world’s most militarised regions. Army powers allowing arrest without trial and raids without warrants (3) infuriated residents.


But police killings this year appeared to be a tipping point.


The government has sent in federal police of mainly Hindus who do not speak Kashmiri. They are mostly despised by Kashmiris.


"People get shot mostly here and above," said one hospital surgeon, poking the journalist in the stomach. "That is what I call shooting to kill. They are not aiming at the legs.

「施湯所」SOUP KITCHENS6月份開始學校全數關閉,兒童在家中接受數小時的密談。斯利那加重點清真寺因印度軍隊進駐已關閉數週。帶刺鐵絲網的檢查站開始湧現,許多地區記者不得其門而入。

Schools have been closed since June. Children spend hours closeted in homes. Srinagar’s main mosque has been shut for weeks by Indian forces. Barbed wire checkpoints spring up across the city. Several districts are out of bounds for journalists.


But in scores of interviews, Kashmiris appear to support protests, contradicting New Delhi’s assertions (4) that protests are sparked by Pakistan-inspired, stone-throwing trouble makers.


Walking through Srinagar under curfew, streets were littered with stones. The silence was occasionally broken by police with automatic rifles menacingly banging batons on lampposts. But several Kashmiris shouted "freedom" at the passing journalists.


Soup kitchens have been set up by Muslim volunteer groups as supplies run short. Volunteer teachers have set up schools in make-shift buildings.


Huddled on one alley and nervously eyeing nearby police, several residents recounted how police pelted stones to break their house windows and raided their homes at will.


"Everyone feels the same. We just want India out," said Khan, a 28-year-old shopkeeper. He pointed out a six-year-old boy whose leg was smashed by a police baton.


The government says shootings follow attacks by stone throwing protesters who torch buildings and police stations. Authorities say more than 1,000 police have been injured.


Officials point out that pro-India Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah won the last state election in 2008 with a turnout of more than 60 percent.


But the killing of at least 50 protesters and the wounding of hundreds more, including one child who lost an eye from a marble catapulted by police, has dashed Kashmiris hopes that Abdullah would bring changes.


"We then voted for development," said Khan, who only gave his first name for fear of reprisal (5). "But nothing happened. When we stop protesting, India forgets about us."


Many young protesters are now using social networks Facebook and Twitter to organise protests.


"I don’t protest on the streets. I protest on Facebook," said Shahnawaz Syed, a 24 year-old computer sciences post graduate. "I spend curfews sleeping, then Facebook, sleep, then Facebook."


關鍵字詞Key Words1. pierce

(v.) 刺穿、刺破

2. rebellion

(n.) 反抗

3. warrant

(n.) 搜查令

4. assertion

(n.) 斷言

5. reprisal

(n.) 報復

文章來源: 台灣立報

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